Technology enabled trains to transform commuter travel experience between Birmingham and London – the innovation hopes to make traveller frustration a thing of the past by directing passengers to available seats.
Arriva UK Trains has announced a partnership with Enable ID for an innovative trial on Chiltern Railways’ London to Birmingham trains. The initiative is set to transform the travel experiences of thousands of passengers by equipping trains with sensors able to communicate a range of useful information to customers, as they travel to the station and while on board.
The sensors will indicate, in real-time, the location of available seats, the current temperature in each carriage, and where relevant, on board catering status and available facilities alongside train running information.

‘MyJrny’ Real-time Passenger Information
Personalised Travel Updates
The enabled carriages will deliver uniquely personalised travel updates, improving accessibility based on individuals’ circumstances. For example:
“You plan to board the Chiltern Railways 06:55 from Birmingham Moor Street to London Marylebone. This train is expected to depart on time from Platform 4 and seating is currently available in the rear carriage.”
“The temperature in your carriage is a pleasant 20°c. Click here to view details for the rest of the train.” sent to passengers that have boarded on a hot day and have more than 2 stops to go.
The sensor data will be part of the ‘MyJrny’ platform, a new intelligent mobility system linking transport operators with customers via the apps they use to get around. The new data-driven service is due to launch early next year. This pilot project is match funded by the Rail Safety Standards Board (RSSB) Train Operator Challenge 2015 (TOC’15) competition, and Chiltern’s parent company Arriva has fully supported the project with a view to potentially rolling out the approach to other franchises if successful.

Sensor technology retro-fitted to Chiltern’s WiFi enabled Silvertrains.
Kevin Ives, Digital Transformation Director for Arriva Trains said, “This pilot project seeks to test how we can transform and personalise passenger journeys and supports our ongoing commitment to provide the very best digital train experience for our passengers. The innovation allows customers to arrive for their train better informed and able to make better use of their time both at the station and on-board”
Chris Thompson of Enable iD claims the pilot will add an industry-defining element to the MyJrny platform, “We are enabling personalised real-time travel forecasts containing information for all modes of transport to be delivered by operators, whilst preserving their customers’ privacy. By using ‘in-transit’ sensors in this way Chiltern Railways is leading the public transport sector.”
A Collaborative Innovation
Neil Webster, RSSB Innovation Programme Director: “The TOC’15 competition aimed to encourage the industry to work in collaboration on projects which had the potential to deliver mutual benefit and improve the experience of passengers. This partnership between Chiltern Railways and Enable iD combines the knowledge, expertise and experience from two innovative transport players and we are looking forward to seeing the results of the project as it gets going.”
Enable iD are the Midlands based architects of MyJrny, which is part Innovation Birmingham’s new ‘Serendip’ Smart City Incubator programme, backed by Transport for West Midlands and the central government sponsored Transport Systems Catapult.
For more information about the MyJrny initiative please visit:
About Arriva Trains UK & Chiltern Railways:
Arriva is a major train operator in the UK. Its deep experience in providing passenger rail services means it has developed strong relationships with customers, transport bodies and tendering authorities alike. Chiltern Railways, an Arriva UK Trains company, is the only UK mainline train company to hold a 20-year contract. It provides scheduled passenger services along the M40 corridor between London Marylebone and Birmingham Moor Street or Aylesbury via Amersham.
About RSSB:
The Rail Safety Standards Board (RSSB) is a membership organisation with a system wide perspective focusing on the whole railway and not just the parts. Its purpose is to help our members and consequently the industry to continuously improve the level of safety in the rail industry, drive out unnecessary cost and improve business performance.
About Enable iD:
Enable iD is a specialist product & service development company focused on the delivery of Internet of Things and personalised data solutions. A subsidiary of established bespoke software company, Enable International, it set out in January 2015 to help organisations develop ‘smart’ products and services that deliver improved performance by giving individuals ownership and control of their data.
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